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What Makes for a Great Home Office?

Are you someone who is lucky – or unlucky – enough to work from home? Depending on how your office setup is arranged, it may be a blessing or a curse to remote commute or run a business from home. That said, there are a few ways you can upgrade your office workspace so that it makes you more efficient, focused, and productive. Let’s take a look!


A High-Quality Display

First and foremost, you need a good monitor. Don’t just think that grabbing anything off a big box store shelf will do, either – always remember that you will spend several hours a day staring at it, so go for a high resolution and larger-sized display. Touch functionality could also come in handy, as well as a wider range of port inputs. There are plenty of reliable products out there that don’t just get the job done but also make it easier for you.


Resilient Networking

You need to be able to get online, fast, and be able to access any number of digital tools when working from home. Therefore, a strong and fast internet connection is critical. Having your setup inspected for problems such as inferior cabling or poor connectivity is a good idea, especially if you want to save on stress and maximize productivity! You’d be surprised at how many little things go unnoticed that could slow connections down or make them unreliable.

On the topic of networking, you should also think about your current telephony services, especially if you conduct B2B communications. The best approach is to upgrade to something that is more future-proofed and offers constant support around-the-clock, letting you work through any network issues sooner so you can get back to work. Services such as these often provide carrier-level architecture and advanced features at a competitive rate, also, giving you all the more reason to switch over.


Ergonomics and Comfort

Your health and well-being, mental and physical, is more important than anything else. Therefore, your comfort and wellness should be a priority when setting up or upgrading your home office. An ergonomic chair and keyboard are both must-owns, as is a mousepad with a wrist-rest and contoured mouse. In addition, avoid fluorescent or harsh lighting at all costs – it will detract from your ability to get things done efficiently. Consider more natural or warmer lighting when possible. Additionally, try to accent the décor with oxygen-producing plants and organize in a minimalist manner to evoke a focusing atmosphere. So many remote commuters don’t realize the impact their work environment has on their productivity – don’t lose out on greater results by neglecting it!


A Reliable, Well-Built Computer (and Backup System)

Nothing is going to decimate your productivity more than an unreliable, poor-quality, cheap-o computer. Whether you own a laptop or a desktop, ensure it is from a brand known for good quality control – even if you have to use an operating system you might not like or be familiar with, you’ll thank yourself later. You should also seriously consider grabbing a used computer, having it wiped and updated with the latest software and security, and getting it ready to go as a backup in case your daily driver breaks down. This can be made easier by using a file-sharing system or external hard drive to ensure both computers have access to the same files in a secure manner. It might sound like an extreme step to take, but it could literally save you down the road one day. You can never be too careful!


These are just a few of the many different ways you can have an office setup ideal for everything from B2B communications to freelancing at home. Always remember to focus on what helps you focus and feel comfortable, and be sure to implement backup solutions if your primary equipment bites the dust.